Armed with a new awareness of the issue of "wait gain and loss," I hope you can identify some wait loss opportunities on your own project. 有了对“等待收益和等待减少”问题的新意识,我希望您可以在您自己的项目中确定出一些等待减少的机会。
Reduce the heat gain and loss and enhance the thermal efficiency. 降低建筑外围护的热量损失。
The Research of the Unrealized Gain and Loss Impact under Fair Value Accounting 公允价值会计下未实现损益的影响研究
After this work is done, I fast for another five days to remove the mind of gain and loss. 这个过程完成之后,我再斋戒五天,使得失心完全除去;
Werewolf leave most of the time, constantly sum up this year's gain and loss, victory and defeat; 狼人假期大部分时间在不断总结今年得与失,胜与败;
Melody of life is often not to be swayed by the will of individuals, to survive in the gain and loss, we will greet a new day the sun rises. 生活的旋律往往是不被个人的意志所左右,在得与失中生存,我们要迎接新一天太阳的升起。
I also want to say, doesn't matter, also not gain and loss of failure and which must get know before, or later. 我还想说,得失并不紧要,也并不要弄懂得与失哪个在前,或后。
The Gain and Loss of Indian Compulsory Education Since Independence 独立以来印度普及义务教育的得失和启示
So the probabilities of gain and loss cannot be equal. 所以,得失的几率不可能均等。
Those contrasts between gain and loss propel the traditional officers to further identify culture with the people-oriented thought. 得失权衡成为推动传统为政者进行民本文化认同的现实原因。
Spare time, chew them slowly, savor, one of laughter and tears, success and failure, the merits and demerits, gain and loss, let me have a period of unforgettable memories. 闲暇时,将它们慢慢咀嚼、细细品味,其中的欢笑与泪水、成功与失败、功与过、得与失,让我有了一段刻骨铭心的回忆。
Meanwhile, it puts the management in greater complication in weighing the gain and loss. 当然,它也使得管理层面临更复杂的利弊权衡。
Determine heat gain and loss conditions in insulated ducting by reading register temperatures along a run. 沿管线读取通风调节器的温度读数,确定绝缘层的热增量和热损耗。
By analyzing the nature of the risk, the paper points out the risk is an uncertainty of the capital gain and loss which agents recognize in finance investment. 本文分析了风险的本质后指出,风险是某一特定行为主体对某一金融投资中损失的不确定性和收益的不确定性的认识。
This paper focuses on the specific feature that his study and his teaching of WXDL benefit mutually, simultaneously points out his gain and loss in collation in his masterpiece WXDL Reading. 本文对其《文心雕龙》研究中教学与研究相长的特色加以具体分析,同时指出其“龙学”代表作《文心雕龙读本》在校勘上的得失。
In social life, competitions result in success or failure; different choices lead to gain and loss. 在我们的生活中,有竞争就要分出成败,作选择就会有所得失。
There is gain and loss in your life. 人生就是这样,有得就有失。
Viewing the Fictive Gain and Loss of the Historical Novel from 从《三国演义》看历史小说虚构的得与失
In the alternating of gain and loss, universe obtains the vitality and impulsion to balance its development. 而在得与失之中,大自然便得到了平衡发展的生气与原动力。
Every one has a bright moon or the curved moonlight, everybody free hovering between gain and loss. 每个人心中都有一轮明月抑或一弯残月,每个人都在得与失之间游离徘徊。
Describing alumina-production process by ore-dressing Bayer process and concluding gain and loss from practical production on the base of analysis of technical data, this paper is available as reference to allow the above-mentioned new technology used widely, optimize process data and increase economic efficiency. 论述选矿拜耳法生产氧化铝的工艺过程,对技术指标进行分析,总结生产实践得失,为选矿拜耳法新技术的普遍应用,优化过程指标,提高经济效益提供借鉴。
You-ren Yu's Standard Cursive Hand and the Gain and Loss of it's Research Method 于右任的标准草书及其研究方法的得失
His gain and loss deserve our summary and reflection. 其得失值得我们认真总结与思考。
I am also understand, everything of with false fix really, the success or failure gain and loss doesn't have our imagination in of so important, person's ising important is to fix heart. 我也明白,一切的以假修真,成败得失并没有我们想像中的那么重要,人重要的是修心。
The gain and loss in process of the reform of the social insurance tax is disequilibrium. 社会保险费改税付出的代价和取得的效益在整个制度变迁的进程中的分布将会是不均衡的。
It would be utilitarian if you concern too much about gain and loss. 你过多地考虑得失,就太功利了。(张艺谋)
Gain and loss of its success or failure, already caused the widespread attention of people. 其成败得失,已引起人们的普遍关注。
Discuss modern strategy option of Brazil, analyse the experience lesson of gain and loss of its success or failure, have to our country modernization draw lessons from a meaning. 探讨巴西的现代化战略选择,分析其成败得失的经验教训,对我国现代化建设具有借鉴意义。
This method will gain and loss write-off match together, thereby reducing the profit volatility, qualify for hedge purposes. 这方法将收益与损失冲销匹配起来,从而降低了利润的波动性,符合对冲的目的。